Limited Edition, First Printing
Non spoiler description: Zombies
Devour Pre-Order
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Interested in reading superhero graphic novels? Do you like when genres mix? Look no further. Our best-selling series features titles based on real science, so you'll feel like you're learning something at the same time!
But don't worry, you don't have to read the science to understand the story!
May 23, 2025
Series: Devour
Publication date : October 31, 2023
Language: English
Author: Jennifer Swartwood-Walker
Illustrator: Jennifer Swartwood-Walker
Dr. M. Suzanne Taylor PhDMagnetics
Dr. Michael Greco PhDPsychology
Dr. Kathleen Foreman PhDLaw Enforcement
(Retired) Agent Rick VanMeterPolice Department
Officer Adam GarciaHomicide
(Former) Det. Darcey McDermeitForensics
Rachel L. WrightToxicology
Sarah Urfer, M.S., D-ABFT-FT
Kristen E. Edwards-Bova, D-ABMDIMilitary
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Patrick Marques, US Army Special Forces