Dr. Kathleen Foreman Ph.D
Cult leaders often seek out the weak and the needy to join their cult. They often attract individuals who seem to be socially
isolated. This sense of belonging is a powerful motivator for those who seek it. (The Culture of Cults, 2015)
Cult members often don’t know they are in a cult. (2015)
Depending on the type of cult, the leader will sometimes convince people they are apart of a higher purpose. In this, the member is now apart of a collective belief system that supersedes their own individual beliefs. (The Culture of Cults, 2015)
Dissociative Identity Disorder is most commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. This disorder is where the mind splits into two or more distinctive personalities. These personalities can be fully aware of each other. Personality changes can be instantaneous or take several minutes.
Through extensive research has been done on this disorder, many still believe that it does not exist. (Dissociative Identity Disorder, 2015)
Most serial killers have a “type.” Whether it be Caucasian female, Asian man, married father, etc., It’s likely that a killer will select victims as close to their criteria as possible. But it isn’t uncommon for the criteria to evolve over time (and there are always exceptions to the selection process). (Serial Killers)
Schizophrenia is a long term mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. The characteristics of the disorder are delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms. Two or more of these symptoms must be present for classification; duration of symptoms and social dysfunction are also part of diagnosing this disorder. (Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, 2000)
Tranquilizers are a common treatment for severe forms of mental illness as a way to emotionally calm the patient. The minor form of tranquilizers is commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. (Tranquilizer)
There are 5 stages of grief: denial and isolation, then anger, then bargaining, then depression, and finally, acceptance. It often takes years to get through the grieving process. (Axelrod)
When you're grieving, people often find themselves doing things they wouldn't normally do. Those grieving often describe the way they feel as detached or numb to their actions and in general. It can often take someone around them to help realize their actions as they may be unaware their actions are uncharacteristic and reckless. Many have found they care less about their own safety and their behaviors can reflect that. (Grief and Grieving)
Someone that has Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) can be completely unaware of other present personalities, also known as alters. (Cleveland Clinic, 2016)
Many people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) have shown physical differences with each alter. There have been many cases where one alter has asthma, and another doesn't. The other common physical differences can include diabetes, allergies, eyesight, pain tolerance, eye color, and much more. (Cleveland Clinic, 2016)